Sunday 28 April 2013

Yogic Backbends

Something new to try as a counter active posture from leaning forward for most of the day; either from sitting at a desk, driving or carrying heavy shopping bags, is Crab Pose. This is one of the various backbends you can do in yoga and is a great way to release energy and realign the body.

From lying flat on the mat you bring your feet in so the buttocks are lifted and the shoulders are still on the floor. Roll the shoulders back so the front of the chest is open. You can use your hands to support your lower back or buttocks either with palms facing upwards or in Prayer Position at the bottom of the lower back.

You may wish to rise onto tiptoes if you really feel the lift. Hold this for a short while if it feels comfortable, and to come out of the posture, slowly lower the spine back to the mat. 

Sunday 21 April 2013

Revolved Head to Knee Pose

Roughly three quarters of the way through a 90 minute yoga class we focused on some floor stretches. The revolved head to knee pose begins sitting on the floor with legs apart and straight out in front of you. You bend in the left leg and bring the left arm up and over your head to reach the opposite foot. The right arm stretches out towards the right foot where both hands should be clutching the foot. If starting out with this pose it maybe easier to hold onto the calf.

Your head should be tilted upwards under your top arm and your gaze focused to the ceiling. You should feel a fantastic stretch along side the left side of the body. This is a particularly a relaxing pose after a series of flow poses. I like to hold this stretch for a while and can feel myself sinking in to the pose quite nicely. Do the same on the opposite side to centre your body.

Counter poses, again to centre the body, would be a double leg forward stretch where your hips are aligned, legs are stretched out in front of you on the mat and the top half of the body falls down towards the floor.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Eye relaxation

A quick and easy exercise to relax the eyes is by rubbing the palms together so that you can feel them heating up. Once they are warm place the palms over eye sockets for a few moments. Repeating this 2 or 3 times should help relax the eyes. Give it a try.