Friday 31 August 2012

Fish and Crane pose

Today I completed fish pose and felt my complete chest opening up and my shoulders drawing back toward my spine. This is an excellent stretch and the deeper you go the more you can feel the benefits.  Moving on to balances, after a concentrated yoga session, I could hold crane pose for around 20 seconds. This is my personal best. 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Cut the caffeine by breathing

Cut the caffeine with simple breathing techniques. This will make you feel more awake in an instant. Take your thumb and forefinger, and start by blocking your right nostril whilst breathing through your left for 6 seconds. Hold the breath for 6 seconds and then swap nostrils and breath out for a further 6 seconds. Do this for a few minutes per day and as your lungs gets stronger and more open you'll be able to hold the breath for longer. 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Fight fatigue!

In constant need of energy I've had a great night sleep, and began the day with a fabulously healthy option of an apple, banana and beetroot smoothie. For lunch I've had parsnip, carrot and elderflower soup. Later this evening i'm going to a two hour yoga session to squeeze out any unwanted toxins. Let's see if this gives a much needed energy boost!