Tuesday 19 March 2013

Opening the heart centre

A great easy posture for relaxation is to start in sitting position, crossed legged on the floor. Chest is open, shoulders are as far away from the ears as possible and the back is straight. Stretch your arms out so that they rest on the knees. Palms should be open and face upwards. Personally I like to hold the thumb and forefinger together because I feel an increased opening in the heart. This is subjective but you may feel an increased opening as many people do. Breathing should be normal but focused on bringing the breath to the top of the chest. Personally I like to breath in and out through the nose but you can also choose to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. After 5 or 10 minutes in this posture the benefits are mainly relaxation and detachment from daily bodily or mental stresses.

Monday 4 March 2013

Organic haircare

For so long I've been using standard high street products for my daily shampoo and conditioner but have recently been trying out sulphate and paraben free alternatives. I have found that my hair has come up feeling a lot more clean and moisturised and that I need to wash my hair a lot less often. Studies of parabens and sulphates in beauty products have been linked with medical problems for some consumers  so that is why there is this alternative range of products that get a lot less exposure in the media but are available to buy. I really notice the difference when I use organic shampoos especially as my hair is fine and curly. Parabens are linked with preservatives that provide the product with a longer shelf life but are less productive at moisturising and strengthening the hair. Similarly, sulphates give the lather effect when washing the hair so the consumer feels they're getting a complete cleaning experience. Organic haircare doesn't lather up and foam as much but is gentler on the hair and scalp and I've found the effects to be softer, shinier and cleaner.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Yoga Life Today has a new email address

For any enquiries or discussion about yoga please email us on yogalifetoday@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you. Namaste